How Tree Planting Helps The Environment

Did you know that trees are one of the most important things for the environment? Not only that, but they also provide shade, reduce flood risks, increase house prices and, well, who doesn’t love trees? From offsetting CO2 emissions to providing much-needed areas for animals to rest, trees are key to the stability of the environment, and people’s properties. But why is this?

Trees replace carbon dioxide in our air with pure oxygen, which can help reduce the effects of global warming. They are also important for animals, people and communities, as they can prevent erosion, reduce urban temperatures, provide firewood, fruits, and nuts, offer a place to relax, and can event contribute positively towards the price of a property. 

In this blog post, we will discuss how tree planting helps the environment in Kent and the UK as a whole. We will also provide some tips on how you can get involved in your community and plant trees yourself!

How Does Planting Trees Help The Environment 

Planting trees and promoting tree growth is incredibly beneficial for the environment. They are seen to be beneficial for many reasons, however, it is known that they actively help the environment by:

  • Reducing CO2
  • Preventing soil erosion
  • Providing shade and areas for wildlife to live

In all 3 cases, planting and maintaining trees, especially those that are old or near property, is work undertaken by millions of people globally, contributing towards billions of pounds of industry every year.

So let’s review each and see how you can help keep trees thriving in your area with us here at Broadleaf Tree Surgery. 

Environmental Impact

As we all know, trees are vital for the environment. They produce oxygen by taking in CO2, a greenhouse gas, and expelling O2, or oxygen, storing the carbon in their limbs, trunk, leaves and roots. 

There are an unbelievable 3 trillion trees in the world as of 2023, with 15 billion trees being felled yearly.

Each tree, on average, takes in around 25 kg of CO2 yearly. This contributes to around 1⁄3 of all CO2 absorption from biological means, with grasses, plants and sea algae making up the other ⅔. 

This, unfortunately, isn’t enough to meet global CO2 emissions, with the amount of greenhouse gases entering our atmosphere yearly contributing towards year-on-year temperatures skyrocketing to levels never before seen. 

How Trees Can Help Reduce CO2 Emissions in Your Back Garden 

Of course, maintaining and planting trees in your back garden won’t cause the dial on your thermometer to change any time soon. However, a reduction of 25 kg on average per tree is not a number that should be ignored. 

If you are lucky enough to own a tree on your property, it should be your responsibility to make sure that that tree is able to contribute towards the reduction of CO2 emissions the best you can. Planting trees will help ensure that the next generation will have fresher air, so it could be worth investing in.

If you need guidance in planting trees in your local area, contact Broadleaf Tree Surgery today, for advice on which tree would best grow in your environment. 

Preventing Soil Erosion

Preventing soil erosion is another key factor in the positive environmental contribution of trees. 

As our weather gets worse here in the UK, in particular in our coastal country of Kent, keeping trees in areas susceptible to erosion is key. 

As trees grow into the ground, their roots knit together the ground beneath them. They also regulate standing moisture in the soil. They do this by pulling up groundwater into the body of the tree, allowing it to be evaporated more quickly than if it had stayed in the ground. 

How Can I Plant Trees to Prevent Erosion?

If you live in an area that is susceptible to erosion, it may be a good idea to plant trees in that area, providing shade, reducing rainwater collection and helping solidify soil underground. 

Every location is different, which is why planting trees to help fight erosion isn’t as simple as it may seem. Of course, if you own a large area of land near the coast and you are concerned about the effects of coastal erosion, it would be best to check your local authority’s approach to erosion control here.

Creating Wildlife Safe Spaces

Attracting wildlife, including birds, insects, bees, spiders and other creepy crawlies is another way in which planting and maintaining trees on your property can positively affect the environment. 

Keeping healthy, fruit and flower-bearing trees on your property will give local wildlife the resources that they need to live. Trees also provide a space for resting, nesting and sites of reproduction for hundreds of different species of animal native to the UK. 

How You Can Plant Trees To Help Wildlife?

Depending on the size of your garden, and the fauna that you want to protect, you may have some options about which tree you want to plant on your property. Some great options here in the UK include: 

  • Crab apple 
  • Rowan
  • Silver birch
  • Wild cherry
  • Blackthorn
  • Holly
  • English oak
  • Hawthorn
  • Hazel
  • Field maple

Depending on your location, many great trees are available to plant in the average UK garden.

In either case, getting a qualified arborist to help you dig for and plant any new trees in your garden will give it the best chance to survive, thrive,a nd contribute towards your local ecosystem.

Our team of tree surgeons and arborists are trained to give advice on planting trees here in Kent and will offer you the best information on helping them thrive on your property. 

Ways You Can Help Plant Trees

Outside of planting trees on your property, you can also contribute towards the positive environmental factors of trees by:

  • Join a tree planting event – Regular tree planting events are held across our native Kent and across the country, and it is a great way to get outside and meet new people. Kent Men Of The Trees is one such group that boasts over 11,500 trees planted in their lifetime. There is also an initiative set up on behalf of the Kent Downs.
  • Donate to a Tree Planting Fund – Tree planting donations to help plant more trees. One such initiative has been set up by The National Trust, as well as The Woodland Trust
  • Plant trees in a pot in your garden – Even if you have a small amount of space at home, or limited bed or grass space, you can still plant trees. Planting a tree in a pot can give it time to grow and develop before you are ready to plant it in the ground. 

If you have any questions about growing, maintaining or replanting trees of any size, why not check out our other blog, How to Look After Your Trees | Your Questions Answered.

For assistance with tree planting in Kent and the surrounding areas, contact Broadleaf Tree Surgery and our professional Tree Planting Service.

With Broadleaf, we do all the heavy lifting and planting, and we can also advise you on the best ways for your trees to live and benefit from their new homes on your property. Get a quote with us today!

Frequently Asked Questions About Tree Planting

How Often Should I Water My Tree?

You should water your tree regularly, especially during the first few years. Trees need about an inch of water per week.

How Often Should I Fertilise My Tree?

You should fertilise your trees every year with a tree and shrub fertiliser.

What Is The Best Time Of Year To Plant A Tree?

The best time of year to plant a tree is in the spring or autumn. These are the best times for trees to establish themselves in the moist ground. Winter or summer tends to have harder soil conditions underfoot, which may prevent root growth. 

How Do I Care For My Tree After It Is Planted?

After your tree is planted, you should water it regularly, fertilise it every year, mulch around the base of the tree, and prune it regularly. These tips will help you to properly care for your tree.


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