What is Deadwood Removal?

Deadwood removal

For homeowners who take pride in their garden trees, understanding the proper maintenance techniques is absolutely essential for ensuring their health and preserving their visual aesthetic. Deadwood removal is one of the most critical aspects of caring for your trees, but what is it and how does it work?

The process of deadwood removal involves the swift and effective removal of dead branches from trees using professional-grade equipment. As deadwood can pose hazards like falling branches, this process is crucial for the health and safety of both the tree and you.

Read on to find out more about the process of deadwood removal as well as what causes deadwood.

What Does Deadwood Removal Involve?

Deadwood removal is a form of pruning that involves using professional-grade equipment to swiftly and effectively eliminate dead branches or parts from a tree. This process is crucial for the health and safety of the tree, as deadwood can pose hazards such as falling branches. 

At Broadleaf Tree Surgery, we also take responsibility for disposing of the removed material in an environmentally friendly manner, ensuring minimal impact on the environment.

Should Dead Branches Be Removed From Trees?

Yes, dead branches should be removed from trees. Dead branches can pose various risks, such as falling and causing damage or injury. Additionally, they can harbour pests and diseases, such as Hymenocyphus fraxineus,  that may spread to healthy parts of the tree. 

Regular removal of dead branches helps maintain the tree’s overall health and safety, promoting proper growth and reducing the likelihood of accidents or further tree damage.

Should Dead Branches Be Removed From Evergreen Trees?

Yes, dead branches should be removed from evergreen trees as well. While evergreen trees retain their foliage throughout the year, they are still susceptible to dead branches. Removing dead branches helps improve the overall health and appearance of the tree, reduces the risk of potential hazards such as falling branches, and prevents the spread of diseases or pests to other parts of the tree. Again, regular maintenance is essential for the well-being and longevity of your evergreen trees.

Does Removing Dead Branches Help A Tree?

Yes, removing dead branches will help your trees. Here are a few reasons why deadwood removal will benefit your tree:

  • Enhanced Safety: Removing dead branches reduces the risk of falling debris/branches, which can cause property damage or injury to people, wildlife and even other trees.
  • Promotes Health: By eliminating deadwood, the tree can allocate resources more efficiently towards the growth and maintenance of healthy branches, fostering overall vigour.
  • Prevents Disease Spread: Dead branches can serve as entry points for pests and diseases. Removing them helps prevent the spread of pathogens to other parts of the tree.
  • Aesthetic Improvement: Deadwood removal enhances the tree’s appearance by promoting a more balanced and visually appealing canopy.
  • Long-term Sustainability: Regular removal of dead branches can prolong the lifespan of the tree by mitigating stress and potential structural weaknesses.

Why Does My Tree Have So Many Dead Branches?

Listed below are 3 reasons as to why your tree may have so many dead branches:

  • Natural Aging Process: As trees age, they naturally shed older or weakened branches, leading to the accumulation of dead branches over time.
  • Environmental Stressors: Factors such as drought, extreme temperatures, poor soil quality, or pollution can stress trees, making them more susceptible to dead branch formation.

Pests and Diseases: Infestations by insects or infections by diseases can cause dieback in branches, resulting in the development of numerous dead branches throughout the tree.

What Happens If You Leave A Dead Branch On A Tree?

Leaving a dead branch on a tree can have several negative consequences. Firstly, dead branches pose a safety hazard as they are prone to breakage, potentially causing property damage or injury if they fall. As an example, in 2021, eight people lost their lives as a result of falling branches.

Secondly, dead branches can serve as entry points for pests and diseases, which can spread to other parts of the tree and compromise its health. For instance, bark beetles are notorious pests that often target dead or weakened branches. These tiny insects bore into the wood, creating tunnels and introducing fungal spores, which can lead to further decay and weaken the tree’s structure.

Additionally, deadwood detracts from the tree’s aesthetics and overall appearance. By not removing dead branches promptly, the tree’s structural integrity may be compromised over time, leading to further decay and a potential decline in health. 

About Broadleaf Tree Surgery

The company was founded by Aaron Mcgimpsey-Joyce in 2015. Our goal is to provide high-quality workmanship, customer service, and satisfaction while remaining cost-effective. The service we provide is prompt, reliable, and trustworthy. To find out more about what we offer, check out our service page or get in touch with our team.


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